Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Is it going to be a Happy New Year

Back from 2 weeks of ICT for the Christmas Holiday.

From the un-nerving "not looking forward to ICT" feel in the beginning to the sudden lost after makes this Christmas even loneli-er and weirder.

2 weeks were all it took for a bunch of us...all new to one another...all forgotten by the ministry between 4-15 years...to bond and build the comradeship like recruits. Maybe it was the sweltering heat in the 1st week and the wet thundery stormy 2nd week that makes us bonded stronger all pushing to go through BMT all over again in 2 weeks. Wow...what an achievement.

Frankly, though I'm glad the hell is over, but somehow I wish it didn't have to end so fast. Maybe I should have been a man in green afterall...haha...I must be out of my mind. But it did cross my mind 12 years ago...hmmm...or maybe I was just a lonely soul seeking company and during the 2 weeks I had abundance of company...haha

Christmas came and went...feeling so stupid to spend it in Orchard Road...seeing everyone spraying foam snow and party streamers at everyone that cross their path...chasing one another till they got a stern warning from the police to stop the ruckus...totally no Christmas mood and no proper countdown in Orchard...lame and alone...*haiz* I must be out of my mind to spend my midnite there...

Now it makes me wonder...will it be a Happy New Year?

Monday, November 27, 2006





絢爛也許一時 平淡走完一世

愛恨可以不分 責任可以不問
天亮了我還是不是 你的女人

天亮了我還是不是 你的女人

﹣﹣﹣ 夢醒了 - 那英

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving

We learn
We fall
We heal
We grow

Another life experience under one's belt
Though there's no turkey dinner
Or corn galore
We give thanks to all the teachers in life

Thank You!!

Happy Thanksgiving...

Saturday, November 04, 2006



-- 爱情有什么道理

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Lost In October

How do you leave the past behind
When it keeps finding ways to get to your heart
It reaches way down deep and tears you inside out
Till you're torn apart
-- from RENT the Musical

Never thought things just spiral downwards like free falling objects for the past weeks. Already feeling so lousy for the month of October with work and emotionally drained and tired, having to cope once and again with the broken down communication.

What's wrong with me?
What is it with me?
Am I such a difficult person?
Why are people putting me down?
Do I deserve not to be happy?

Am I so full of myself?


Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Numbing Thoughts

But who am I?

"Alex has got his work"
"Alex lives for his work"
"Alex's in love with his work"
"Alex hides in his work"

From what?

From facing my failure,
Facing my loneliness, facing the fact I live a lie
I live a lie
I'm always been preaching not to be numb
I'm always in pretence to be happy and to lead a life
When I'm really detach from feeling alive

-- Adapted from RENT - The Musical

Monday, October 16, 2006

Lost In Haze

It starts with
One thing, I don't know why
It doesn't even mather how hard you try
Keep that in mind
I designed this rhyme
To explain due time
All I know
Time is a valuable thing
Watch it fly by as the pendulum swings
Watch it count down till the end of the day
Clock ticks life away

It's so unreal
You didn't look out below,
Watch the time go right out the window
Try'n to hold on
Didn't even know, I wasted it all
Just to watch you go
I kept everything inside
And even though I tried
It all fell apart
What its meant to be
Will, eventually be,
A memory of a time,
When I tried so hard and got so far
But in the end, it doesn't even matter...
I had to fall, to loose it all...
But in the end, it doesn't even matter...

One thing, I don't know why
It doesn't even mather how hard you try
Keep that in mind
I designed this rhyme
To remind myself
How I tried so hard...
Dispite the way you were mocking me
Acting like I was part of your property
Remembering all the times you fought with me
I'm surprised it got so far
Things aren't the way they were before
You wouldn't even recognize me anymore
Not that you knew me back then
But it all comes back to me
In the end...

You kept everything inside
And even though I tried it all fell apart
What it meant to be, will
Eventually, be a memory of a time
When I tried so hard,
And got so far,
But in the end, it doesn't even matter
I had to fall, to loose it all
But in the end, it doesn't even matter

I've put my trust in you
Pushed as far, as I can go
For all this
There's only one thing you should know

I've put my trust, in you
Pushed as far as I can go
For all this
There's only one thing you should know...
I tried so hard,
And got so far,
But in the end, it doesn't even matter
I had to fall, to loose it all,
But in the end, it doesn't even matter

-- In The End by Linkin Park

Monday, October 02, 2006

Singapore Dreaming Comes True

Congratulations to Colin Goh and Woo Yen Yen for winning the tier 'A' Mont Blanc New Screen Writer's Award!! Take that Jack!!

A Singapore Dream comes true indeed.


Sunday, October 01, 2006

Breaking Down

The radio broke down...the news stopped
The CD player broke down...the music stopped
The microphone broke down...the recording stopped
The communication broke down...the action stopped

The whole world broke down...the passion stopped

My work is done...it's time for me to stop

Monday, September 11, 2006

What Are You Dreaming Of?

Singapore Dreaming...this must have been the best local film I've ever watched. Not that I know Colin Goh or Woo Yen Yen personally, or that I watch so many local films. However comparing to the J-Team flicks and some more cheem arty films...I was touched by the simple sincerity of the movie. Many times I was moved to tears. Ok, maybe I'm just being sentimental. But this is the first time I ever allow my tears to flow freely down my cheeks in the public cinema. So malu... Besides the superbly written script of a typical Chinese Singaporean family, many a times you'll find somewhere in the movie, reflections of our daily lives. So real and so close to the heart. Kudos to the superb cast headed by ever so good uncle, Richard Low (刘谦益), Alice Lim (林倩萍), Serene Chen (陈惠玲 ), Dick Su (苏才忠), Lim Yu Beng (林友明) and last but not least a very impressive performance by Yeo Yann Yann (杨雁雁). I really would not miss a chance to watch this strong ensemble doing a class act in the cinema again. Cleverly crafted lines (predominently in Hokkien, injected with proper English, crisp Chinese and the 'uniquely Singapore' Singlish) and thought provoking plots. What do we all want in our lives? What are we dreaming of? To be happy? To be rich? To lead a simple life with a close family bond? But yet we know that life is never easy in Singapore without the cash in hand. But is money the solution and the almighty in life? Well, we need it to bring bread to the table to feed the family and to lead a decent life? But what is a decent life? To have Cash, Card, Car, Condo and Club? Hence explain why we often wish we can strike it big in the lottery, buying 'hope' and wait to strike it rich instantly in this lifetime. Are the 5C's really the answer to a good decent life? Perhaps afterall, we all eventually will end up in the 6th C, a Coffin. Hmm...life is so complicated. Well, like a friend who used to tell me, stress in self implemented. Indeed we created our own stress in life. But can Singaporeans really do away with chasing this dream to be in the upper crust? Like what it was said by the 'foreign talent' in the movie: "你們新加坡人就是這個樣, 整天埋怨, 你們的生活很苦嗎?" But hey...Complaining is a afterall our favourite past-time, a Singaporean Culture... Haha...Singapore is like that one, mah lah ooh bian... Singapore Dreaming is definitely a must watch for all 4 million smiling Singaporeans!!! Tag:

Saturday, September 09, 2006

The Object of My Affection

Finally caught the show on Star Movies (all thanks to cable). Touched...very touched by the show. Hmm...maybe I'm just feeling sentimental at the moment. But really liked the show. Have to give credits to Jennifer Anniston.

Some memorable quotes:

Nina (to George): I want you to be with me, I want you to marry me, I want you to love me the way that I love you.

Nina (to George): You have to pick one person in life and make it work.

Rodney (to Nina): One shouldn't be too hard on oneself when the object of one's affection returns the favor with rather less enthusiasm than one might have hoped.

Human relationship are just so complicated but yet can be so uncomplicated if one can see and take things easy and in stride. Lives will be so much easier.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Do I...

Do I have the courage to let go?
Do I have the courage to be free?
Do I have the courage to walk out the door?
Do I have the courage to make the choice?

Do I...

Do I have the right to be happy?

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Singapore Culture

"Singapore culture unlikely to emerge - not even in the next few hundred years" : predicted MM

Spending a lunchtime in the Tanjong Pagar or Raffles Place area, generally known as the Central Business District (CBD), one would find a peculiar behaviour of the fellow Singaporean lunch-goers. I believe this is not something new to many and I believe it was discussed in the MSM (i.e. the newspaper and TV). All it takes is to be armed with a packet of tissue paper or an umbrella and you are all set to "chope" a seat in the busy hawker centres or foodcourt. No fear and seat guaranteed, though it raises an eye-brow or two by the new immigrants or foreign talents.

Hmm...truly an unique Singapore culture or is it not? *scratch*

Culture has been called "the way of life for an entire society." As such, it includes codes of manners, dress, language, religion, rituals, norms of behaviour and systems of belief.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Singapore 2006

Hmm... the biggest event of the year is coming soon in a week's time. So much rumblings heard round the island city in the past months.

4 million smiles welcome the foreign delegates and their entourage to Singapore.

Outdoor street protests are ban but indoor one are allowed. BUT only if you are the represntatives from the 200 odd accredited Civil Soceity Organisation and participants must register with the police and protest only at designated area.

Hmm...read an article in Bloomberg News

"We cannot allow processions, demonstrations in the streets," said Goh, a former prime minister. "It got out of hand in Seattle, it got out of hand in Hong Kong and this is Singapore. We will not allow that. Lives must not be disrupted"

Hmm...lives not disrupted? Yah sure....as any obedient citizen, I have been trying out alternative routes as recommended to go to work from East Coast to Shenton Way as I can't use Nicoll Highway (ERP charges: $2.50 - 1 gantry) and advice not to use North Bridge Road (ERP charges: $2.50-$3.50 - 2 gantries) during 10-20 September. So here are my findings:

Leave home at 8.00 am.

Traffic is slightly heavy on roads like Victoria Street and Hill Street going into Tanjong Pagar but many traffic light junctions...ERP charges: $2.50-$3.50 (if the traffic is heavier, will be charge at both gantries else first gantry (Kallang) is free) - 2 gantries - 40 mins

Traffic is heavy on ECP as usual going into Tanjong Pagar....ERP charges: $5.00 (2 gantries - Fort Road : $2.50, Keppel : $2.50) - 35-40 mins

Hmm...these findings are my experience for the past few days without any traffic accidents and normal traffic condition, no diversion to these alternative routes yet. So I cross my fingers on the effects of the closures and pray hard no accidents during the period of WB and IMF meetings.

Hmm...with the road closures of Nicoll Highway, Temasek Boulevard, Raffles Boulevard and lane closures of Bras Basah Road and restricted entry into to SUNTEC area for the most period of the WB and IMF Meetings, I wonder how are our lives not disrupted?

Cost and time to travel to work is definitely going to go up (like many other things after May 06). So our lives are not disrupted? Hmm...will the ERP charges and our working hours be adjusted and concessions be given if I smile?

Hmm...Singapore Dreaming 2006...

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Courage and Choice

[Spolier Alert: Please do not read if you had not watch or intend to watch "The Devil Wears PRADA"]

The Devil wears PRADA may be an commercial flick. But Meryl Streep shines "like the beacon" (pardon me, I really cannot resist) and is the prima donna, the diva who completely stole the show and blow me away in her potrayal of Miranda Priestley, the dragon lady of Runway Magazine. However, the show not only gave an insider look of the bitching, struggling and back-stabbing world of the glittering high fashion industry, I somehow find the show interestingly thought provoking.

Some interesting lines:

Love Thy Work
Nigel: Other girls dream of working here. You merely deign.

Prove Thy Self
Miranda Priestly: The details of your incompetence do not interest me.

Make Thy Choice
Andy Sachs: What if I don't want this?
Miranda Priestly: Oh don't be silly, EVERYONE wants this. Everyone wants to be *us*

Andy chose to walk out of a highly sought after job at the end. She made her choice after realising that she had gain recognition for her work at the expense of her personal life. But how many of us are willing to make this choice? How many of us are willing to walk out of a decent paying job (which pays the bill and buy the bread) to live a perfect balanced (family comes first) life? Do I have the courage to make this choice?

Friday, August 25, 2006

Local Delights Galore

Local Delights with TurKwa (Pig Liver)
  • Bak Chor Mee - OK
  • Mix Pork Congee - OK
  • Satay Bee Hoon - OK

Local Delights with Hum (Cockles)
  • Satay Bee Hoon - OK
  • Nonya Laksa - OK
  • Mee Siam - Huh???
Erm...Mee Siam mai hum Mr. PM?? Erm...which hawker stall in Singapore serves you Mee Siam with hum? Definitely a must visit for hum lovers! Hmm...do I see a creative fusion of our local delight coming to a stall near us soon...yummy...

And thank you for the podcast of the NDR speech by the MSM if not I would have definite missed this powerful punchline by reading the edited transcripts (Thanks to the wonders of technology) I nearly fell off my chair...Ouch...


Monday, August 21, 2006

Of Humour, Migrants and Being Singaporeans

I read with amusement the National Day Rally on both the Main Stream Media as well as on the New Media. Yes, I read them but did not catch the 'Live' Telecast on our TV No.1 station as a loyal Singaporean. (Hmm...come to think about it when you are the only one TV station minus the other only cable provider...I wonder will MCS ever be known as Singapore's No.2 TV station? Hmmm...)

No goodies this year. Guess it was given out before May. Hmm...

Interestingly, this year's rally tries to be both hip and happening...with lots of buzzwords like 3Ms, blogs, podcast and vodcast, MSN, MySpace, ClubSnap, Flickr...wow...so hip and happening...Hmm...Hip-factor up for MIW. Haha...

However, daily musings or humourous depiction on 'A day in the life of a Singaporean' is still a No-No. Hmm...wonder when had a humour column in a Main Stream Printed Media suppose to be having a hidden agenda to mislead, distort truth and manipulate the minds of the ignorant readers...Wow...power sia...Mr Brown. One should not be Talking Cock too. Another sweeping statement (a.k.a. insult) coming from the 'it's all for you own good' leaders in white? Hmm...hidden message: "Singaporeans are all too naive, stupid and ignorant, we, the MIWs, must protect them before they hurt themselves from the trecherous world of the New Media." *sigh* When are we allowed to grow up? Self Censorship *poof*

Well, more foreign talents or now to be known as immigrants are encourage to come to Singapore. I have no qualms about that for we require them to boost our workforce in return would boost our economy and thus my stocks...hahaha. But the question remains...will they be enjoying the expat treatment doing the same job as any home-grown Singaporean? Will they be better off then those Singaporeans who stays in Hougang and Potong Pasir? *sigh* Will we be seen as one only when the shades of white cover every constituencies?

One People, One Nation, One Singapore. Remember?

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Singapore Dreaming

Here's doing a part to mark the 41st Birthday of our Nation. :)

A Singaporean Dream
I am the citizen of Singapore,
Pledge myself to strike on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday & Sunday.
Regardless of TOTO, 4D or Big Sweep.
To buy hope and earn extra,
Based on Quickpicks, System 7 to 12 and Big Sweep Tickets with 4D Bonuses.
So as to achieve Car, Cash & Condo as part of my aspirations
-- adapted from a circulated SMS

Happy National Day, Singapore!!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Happy Anniversary!!

Wow...a year had passed and though I'm trying very hard (ok ok maybe not that hard) to at least create an entry every month. I'm surprise how much I have written and also how much I have not written.

Well, here's giving myself a pat on my back after a not so good week, and telling myself - "Well done and Happy Anniversary!!" :)

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Damn those f**king sicko vandals!!!

Damn pissed off first thing in the morning and had my whole day spoilt by some bloody sicko. Someone scratched my car leaving 2 f**king long wavy scratches (~ 1.5m long) on the passenger side of my car from the boot to the bonnet...f**king idiots!! Imagine even in your very own carpark!!

What had I done?!! Who have I stepped on?!! Why me?!!

I really got no answers but this is definitely not the first case of vandalism in the carpark. Some sicko had punctured (letting out the air of the car's tyres slowly by stuffing small pebbles into the air-valve) my neighbour and my dad's car on 2 different occasions. Now this...*sigh* Looks like he/she simply like to do a car at a time.

This estate (or the world) is definitely not safe from sick idiots like these at all. Arrggghh!!!

Friday, July 07, 2006

I am Singaporean

(In response to Mr. Brown and Mr. Miyagi's "I am Singaporean" meme)

I spend my early childhood running along the mud paths amongst the last kampongs in Hougang. Watching teochew wayangs and enjoy snacking the street hawkers' fare with my cousins. Always on the look out for the "atap chee" man.

I grew up in the shop houses in North Bridge Road before they covert them into Bugis Junction and enjoy the sights and sounds along the back lanes of Bugis Street. "Goo Bak Kway Teow Tng" (Beef Kway Teow soup), "Yeoaw Bak Tng' (Chinese Herbal Mutton Soup), "Heer Chok" (Fish Porridge), "Kway Cho" (Chicken Porridge) and especially "Fun Choy" freshly steam in those tin bowls and the suave move the uncle use to knock the steaming hot "Fun Choy" out of their bowl.

We used to only need to pack 4 people into the car to drive into CBD for FREE or need to just pay once for a CBD day coupon and display them on the windscreen to gain unlimited entry and exit.

I went to a JC instead of going to the Poly because back then you can't go to the university unless your are sure to be in the top 5 percent in the Polys.

I enjoyed the army days even though it was tough and many say I'm "siow". "Cheong swa cheong hai" without anytime to think about the right and wrong but it never fail to creep back into the conversation with your old NS mates. The OO then, was just another appointment holder to me in the unit. Never knew back then that we have the power to complain. But again I still enjoy the rough times in army, because it moulded me to be who i am today.

I embrace everything Singlish in my everyday life and I try to learn different dialects before they are forgotten in the tide of times, though I'm still quite "lau pok" in speaking them. I'm sadden that we are not encouraged to speak Singlish or have dialects spoken in the public media but I do try to write and speak proper English or Chinese at work.

I enjoy the greens of the reservoirs and hope that pulau ubin was still in its rural self I remembered 12 years ago. I'm saddened to see the old buildings torn down to make way for new ones in the name of urban planning and losing our cultural heritage and history forgotten to progress.

My name is Alex, Alex Tan. Like many others, I like to complain and may not provide constructive solutions. Despite all, Singapore is and will always be my home.

And I am Singaporean.

So say we all...

So say we all.

Technorati tag:

Wednesday, July 05, 2006


3 years back...EMAS was turn off...because the cost of maintanence was too high.
3 years now...EMAS was turn on...because the information provided was beneficial to the motorist.

WTF??!!...3 years ago it was not beneficial??!!

Native Language
Singlish: Ai jiak lunch mai?
Perfekt Engrish: Shall we do lunch?

Singlish: SMS me to confirm later ok?
Perfekt Engrish: Text me later to confirm our appointment ok?

Singlish: Aiyo...why u so like dat?!
Perfekt Engrish: Oh dear me...what are you doing?

OMG...I wonder if the MOE had ever done a study on the native slangs or the colloquial language used by the english native speakers? Why are we stifling our own unique language culture? Hmmm...maybe we do not have a culture to speak of...*sigh* the sad truth of our life, Singaporeans are already losing our own roots...are you expecting all the uncles and aunties to speak perfect english in our daily lives? How many youngster speaks their native dialect now? I guess the only flourishing dialect is Hokkien. So often heard are such words like CB, KB and KNNBCCB!! Hmm..WTF?!!

Distortion of Truth
Hmmm...some smart woman from MICA wrote to the papers talking about distortion truth by the celebrity blogger mrbrown. Interestingly in the letter at least 2 points pointed out which (i believe) was also a distortion of truth.

Distortion 1 : Mr Brown is hiding behind a pseudonym.
WTF??! Which person in Singapore who read mrbrown.com doesn't know how he look like or that he is Mr. Lee KM himself? Doesn't she do her homework before writing her 'oh so sah kar' letter?! Wonder if she had ever surf the web to read the blog or was she meerely handed the article from TODAY and told to do a letter of rebuttal by her boss??!!

Distortion 2 :Electricity tarrifs and taxi fare revision is due to high oil price
WTF??! Singapore has been using natural gas for a large part of our electricity generation. Remembering the last major blackout islandwide, was it not due to some gas valve defect? So how had oil price actually greatly affect our cost of electricity generation? As for taxi fare, if high oil price cause the cost of operation for taxi to increase, how come the profit made by the "public" transport operator remain high and never a large dip in profit margin? So is the price revision exercise to "help" keep the profit margin high for the shareholders like those MIWs? WTF??!!

Hmmm...will I be implicated for merely doing my not so daily ramblings of the Singaporean's everyday life? WTF?!!

(Afternote: Pardon the use of my language in this post...just trying to destress after a hard day's work....Wah That's Fun!!!)

Thursday, June 08, 2006

5 leSSons for the workplace

Story: 1
A young executive was leaving the office at 6 p.m. when he found CEO standing in front of a shredder with a piece of paper in his hand. "Listen," said the CEO, "this is a very sensitive and important document, and my secretary has left. Can you make this thing work?" Certainly," said the young executive. He turned the machine on, inserted the paper, and pressed the start button. "Excellent, excellent!" said the CEO. As his paper disappeared inside the machine. "I just need one copy."
Lesson I - Never, never assume that your BOSS knows everything

Story: 2
A crusty old man walks into a bank and says to the teller at the window: "I want to open a damn checking account." To which the astonished woman replies: "I beg your pardon, sir; I must have misunderstood you. What did you say?" "Listen up bitch! I said, I want to open a damn checking account right now!" "I'm very sorry sir, but we do not tolerate that kind of language in this bank." Having said this, the teller leaves the window and goes over to the bank manager to tell him about her problem customer.

They both return and the manager asks the old geezer: "What seems to be the problem here?" "There's no damn problem, sonny," the elderly man says. "I just won 50 million bucks in the damn lottery and I want to open a damn checking account in this damn bank!" "I see," says the manager thoughtfully. And you're saying that this bitch here is giving you a hard time?"
Lesson II - If you are RICH, you can get away with almost anything.

Story: 3
An American and a Japanese were sitting on the plane on the way to LA when the American turned to the Japanese and asked, "What kind of ese are you?" Confused, the Japanese replied, "Sorry but I don't understand what you mean." The American repeated, "What kind of -ese are you?" Again, the Japanese was confused over the question. The American, now irritated, then yelled, "What kind of -ese are you...Are you a Chinese, Japanese,Vietnamese!, etc......???" The Japanese then replied, "Oh, I am a Japanese." A while later the Japanese turned to the American and asked what kind of 'key' was he. The American, frustrated, yelled, "What do you mean what kind of '-key' am I?!" The Japanese said, "Are you a Yankee, donkey, or monkee?"
Lesson III - Never insult anyone.

Story: 4
There were these 4 guys, a Russian, a German, a British and a French, who found this small genie bottle. When they rubbed the bottle, a genie appeared. Thankful that the 4 guys had released him out of the bottle, he said, "Next to you all are 4 swimming pools, I will give each of you a wish. When you run towards the pool and jump, you shout what you want the pool of water to become, then your wish will come true."

The French wanted to start. He ran towards the pool, jumped and shouted "WINE". The pool immediately changed into a pool of wine. The Frenchman was so happy swimming and drinking from the pool. Next is the Russian's turn, he did the same andshouted," VODKA" and immersed himself into a pool of vodka. The German was next and he jumped and shouted, "BEER". He was so contented with his beer pool. The last is the British. He was running towards the pool when suddenly he steps on a banana peel. He slipped towards the pool and shouted, SHIT!!!!!!!........."
Lesson IV - Think twice before you say something, because sometimes what you say accidentally does happen.

Story: 5
A junior manager, a senior manager and their boss are on their way to a meeting. On their way through a park, they come across a wonder lamp. They rub the lamp and a ghost appears. The ghost says, "Normally, one is granted three wishes but as you are three, I will allow one wish each" So the eager senior manager shouts, I want the first wish. I want to be in the Bahamas, on a fast boat and have no worries for a month. "Pfufffff, and he is gone. Now the junior manager could not keep quiet and shouts, "I want to be in Florida with beautiful girls, plenty of food and cocktails for a month." "Pfufffff, and he is also gone. Then it's the boss's turn, and he says calmly, "I want these two idiots back in the office after lunch"
Lesson V- "Always allow the bosses to speak first".

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Reality Check...So You Think You Can Dance?

Blake was voted out instead of Jermile who obviously was the weakest of the 3...very sad...obviously the judges were all shocked by the results

Maybe this is the reality of life...the weakest of the lot may not always be vote out...if you have strong backing miracles can happen....sounds so familiar...just like real life drama right in front of me through the goggle box...

Reality can be so unfair and cruel no matter how good or talented you are ...*sigh*

Saturday, May 27, 2006

我真的好累 你要的我都学不会 却为你付出了一切
﹣ 愛情傀儡

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Musings of the Sword, the Mirror and the Hand

A sword double edged
It can cut someone
It can cut yourself

A mirror reflects
It can reflect someone
It can reflect yourself

A hand slaps
It can slap someone
It can slap yourself

5 fingers
1 finger points at someone
4 fingers point at yourself

Always think before you comment
Look at yourself before you condemn
For your words can be a sword, a mirror and a hand

Thursday, May 18, 2006


Act I Scene I
Zen: People loves me...people love me not...people love me...people love me not.....

Act II Scene I
Zen Jr: People people of the world who is the fairest of us all?
People: I-P-O-D......
Zen Jr: Arrggghhh....

Act III Scene I
Vidz Zen:
It won't be easy, you'll think it strange
When I try to explain how I feel
That I still need your love after all that I've done

You won't believe me
All you will see is a MP3 PLAYER you once knew
Although she's dressed up to the nines
At sixes and sevens with you

I had to let it happen, I had to SUE
Couldn't stay all my life down at heel
Looking out of the window, staying out of the BOOKS

So I chose PATENT
Running around, trying everything new
But nothing impressed me at all
I never expected it to

Don't cry for me SINGAPURA
The truth is I never left you
All through my wild days
My mad existence
I kept my promise
Don't keep your distance

And as for LAWSUITS, and as for fame
I never invited them in
Though it seemed to the world they were all I desired

They are illusions
They're not the solutions they promise to be
The answer was here all the time
I love you and hope you love me

-- adapted from Don't Cry for Me Argentina (Evita)

Friday, May 05, 2006


Liar Liar...Pants on Fire
"Artists use lies to tell the truth, while politicians use them to cover the truth up" -- V for Vendetta

Someone was said to have put up a wayang and called a liar....hmmm...so is he telling a truth?
Someone said that the overall unemployment rate had dipped to 3.4% but he did not tell you that the unemployment rate for those > 40 had doubled....hmmm....so is he covering up the truth?

Thousand Apologies
Someone wrote a statement personally, vetted by his leader and made a public apology and is ready to move on.
Someone's press secretary wrote a statement and apologises through the press secretary and is ready to move on to fix them and buy more votes. (sorry...just couldn't resist...)

One Day More
Tomorrow we'll discover
What our God (Lightning? Hammer? Or with Rings?) in Heaven has in store!
One more dawn
One more day
One day more!
-- adapted from Les Miserables

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


The Form
26 April - The Form is Missing
27 April - The Form is Still Missing
28 April - Why is the Form Missing
29 April - Why is the Form Still Missing
30 April - Honey, The Form is Missing
01 May - Honey, The Form is Still Missing!
02 May - The Form Must Be Missing...
03 May - The Missing Form Man Must Go

Do you hear the people sing?
Singing a song of angry men?
It is the music of a people
Who will not be slaves again!
When the beating of your heart
Echoes the beating of the drums
There is a life about to start
When tomorrow comes!
-- Les Misérables

In the Past Past
A: Help!! Someone jump onto the track!!
B: What happened? Any witnesses?
A: No. Maybe we can take a look at the CCTV to see what happened?
B: Erm...sorry there's no recording function for the CCTV

In the Recent Past
A: Excuse me, where's my form!!
B: Erm...You did not submit it
A: Yes I did!! Do you have witnesses?
B: No, you didn't!! And I have the CCTV recordings to prove it!!

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Growing up under the umbrella

When will we ever be allowed to grow up?

Since young, we are so used to be living in a safety shelter, under the umbrella of what they call "care and concern". They always tell you: "It's all for your own good"

Parents tend to do it, even the MIW do it.

Are things in life always in definite Black and White but never exist in shades of Gray?

In school, whenever someone question things out of its known scope, this person will be term as a renegade and destruction of order. In the real world, whenever someone think out of the box and speaks their mind against the ideology, this person will be threat to peace and harmony.

When will it be time for us to have the freedom and trust to know what is right and wrong and have the capacity to differentiate between the truth and bullshit?

Maybe in time...people never really grow up...in Never never land....

Friday, April 14, 2006

A Note and Some Thoughts

Six Weeks
Neither long
Nor is it short
Over before we know
Different pursuits here after
A Thank You note
A heart warmed
A friendship formed

"Stress is self implemented" ... I'll learn to endure

Two Words
Two words so common
Two words so taken for granted
Two words to warm and touch a heart
Two words are all it takes
Thank You!!

Sunday, April 09, 2006

The Value of History

"There is a matter of balancing historical values against the income that the site can earn if it were developed for other used"
-- Preservation of Monument Board

"No one knows whose responsibility this fort is. No one is going to come forward and be a hero"
-- President National Heritage Soceity

Lost was Bugis Street...what we have is Bugis Village
Lost was Satay Club...what we have is Satay Club @ Boon Tat
Lost was Lau Pat Sat...what we have is the New Lau Pat Sat
Lost was National Library...what we have is the National Library @ Bras Basah


Looks like another piece of history really going into history...Maybe Fort Tanjong Katong is not lost but merely buried in the aim to keep this history in tact from the effects of weather...how thoughtful...so the next generations still have a piece of history to hold on to discover...Or perhaps economical value currently outweighed our heritage...our history...our identity...

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Random thoughts in a mixed up mind

Does anyone still remember Streats? My daily breakfast read till it's death sentence after the merger of the media. Somehow the word Streats had been forgotten like many things in History. Looking closely at Today today...the word Streats is gone forever...

Like Chained Elephants
Yeah...was reading Today during my breakfast in solitude @ Tanjong Pagar Market. "Working Like Chained Elephants" was it's title. Yeah...the elephants are back in the press...just that they are not white and disappearing this time round. Duh!! (okay okay lame joke)
Are we really working like Chained Elephants? Repeating our work tasks day after day chained to our desk? We have heard so much about SOHO, Teleworking since many years ago. But how many companies are actually practising it? I have yet to hear anyone I know working from home daily uless if they are the boss. But then again...they will still be popping by the office everyday to ensure no one is skiving.... I guess we are afterall not mature enough to handle such an 'advance' concept. Remember, we still require the Men In White to tell us what we can watch and cannot watch on TV or in the movies? We still require the MIW to tell us what creativity is all about and teach creativity as a subject in the schools? Hmm...humans afterall do not have faith or trust in one another. Hmmm...as long as you are not at your desk and the boss cannot see you, you must be skiving...

Work overtime and be Promoted
One must always know how to impress your bosses...like sending an email to your boss late after office hours...Oh yah...time to send out an important email to the boss....hahaha...

Tuesday, March 28, 2006


The carrot in front of the horse to make it run faster...Hmm..a carrot in front of the man to make him work harder...

V for Vendetta...a thought provoking movie and definitely on my best movie list this year. An ingenious movie with clever and witty lines makes the show so impressionable...

"Who are you?"
"Who? Who is but the form following the function of what... and what I am is a man in a mask."
"I can see that."
"Of course you can. I'm not questioning your powers of observation, I'm merely remarking on the paradox of asking a masked man who he is."

"Behind the mask is a man, behind the man is an idea and ideas are bulletproof."

Upgrading, the Carrot before the Vote...what's new this time? Lifting the Whip? Let's see...

No vote no honey, people...I wonder if those in the alternative wards pay less tax...

=> V: People should not be afraid of their governments, governments should be afraid of their people. <=

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Everyone is dyslexic?

cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg.
The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at
Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in
a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the fri st and lsat
ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you
can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid
deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!

Monday, March 06, 2006



Sunday, March 05, 2006

To forgive is to forget...

Hmm..maybe the title is a bit harsh but this is an issue that I have been grabbling with for a while. Do we have to forget before we can forgive? Or do we have to forgive before we can forget? So many things happened in the pass few months... some closer to my life...some revolving in the world around me.

Yet to find enlightenment.




Guilty until proven innocent? Innocent until proven guilty?


Is it the primate nature of an animal for human to decide the life and death of another human? Or is it another of human's invention of justice just like the invention of monogamy or polygamy system? The self righteous justifications of jihad or a normal life?


I think I'm a nut case....

Monday, February 06, 2006

A New Beginning....

Finally the Lunar New Year holidays come to an end and everything is back to clockwork.

Today also mark the first day of work at the new office. Hmm...feeling a little loss and intimidated. Kinda miss the old colleagues...kind of lonely with most of the new colleagues much older than me. When being introduced to them..they must all be wondering what is this young boy doing here...Haha..feel like I'm in an old folks home! Just kidding ;-) Guess I'm now in a different playing field in my working life. Now I'm suppose to be playing with the big boys...hahaha

Saturday, February 04, 2006


I guess it is really true that one man's meat may be another's poison. What is important to you may not be important or even deem trivial to another...I guess to each his own. Maybe it's always me and my failure to communicate...

Well, today is 正月初七-人日. It's also 立春. Spring actually starts today.The NEW year finally arises...

Saturday, January 28, 2006


執著面對 任性的沉醉
並不在乎 是錯還是對
就算深陷 也不顧一切
就算執迷 也執迷不悔
用你的心 去看去感覺
因為這次 是你不是誰

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Before 33

A few events mark the last day before I turn 33.

Finally the day to move on arrives.
Finally packed and cleared out of my cube.
Finally ready to move on professionally.

Did not feel sad about leaving the job...but some how relieved the day is finally here. Maybe 7.5 years was just too long.

Touched by the well-wishing by many I bid my farewell.
Touched by the gift the team handmade...it will be hanging in my new office.

All Pass
Ready go!


5 points!!

It was like music to my ears! YES! Finally cleared my IPPT cycle having to fail shuttle run (yes...shuttle run) at the 11th hour...never felt so relieved

Hmm...but another cycle starts tomorrow..*sigh*

Sunday, January 15, 2006

A friendship lost

Tomorrow is a friend's birthday...

Though we seldom keep in contact since after junior college, I still treated him as a very good friend, at least I treated him as a very close friend of mine. Someone whom I'll be able to, be glad to see and rattle on and on for hours about our lives even though we didn't stay in touch through the years. Then he left for his studies in Australia 1996 and did very well. Subsequently he went on to work in Germany in 2000.

He call my dad and asked for my contact when I was working in France in 2000 and we got in-touch again. We even agreed to meet up for the autumn in Germany but after the summer thereafter our contacts were lost again and we never met up.

In 2002 through a mutual friend and his best buddy since childhood days, I last know he was working in Hong Kong but didn't get the chance to get his contact.

4 years from then....I did not know where he is or how he was doing...Tomorrow will be his birthday so I decided to try to get his contact. To my surprise, he got married in June 2004 in Bali to a French girl. I'm glad for him really as he finally found someone to share his life with. But then again I was some how disappointed. Suddenly I realised I wasn't that close a friend to him afterall. I was wondering why I wasn't notified of his big day and be part of his big step in life? Maybe to him I was merely a friend.

While we never keep in touch all these years, I thought our friendship will never end...but somehow today I felt that our friendship was lost...

Friday, January 13, 2006

I am 32 going on 33...

Had an interesting conversation with my mum earlier when I reach home...

Mum : Heard you are changing your job.
Me : Yeah, after the chinese new year.
Mum : How come never tell anyone?!
Me : Told dad the other day already.
Mum : How come you quit your job without asking your dad first?!!
Me : I'm already 32 going to 33...think I can make the decision myself!
Mum : As long as you are still staying under the roof with us...you are still a kid! So should have asked our opinion first!
Me : *eyes roll*

Hmm...when you are 33 years old and still staying with your paraents means you are in Neverland? An eternal kid forever? Maybe it's time to move out......

Friday, January 06, 2006

Happy New Year

A Big Leap Ahead
2006...a new year dawns. While I'm just warming up after a long break and still wondering what it holds for me this year.

In a span of 3 days, I got a call for job interview, went through a round of interview, met the CEO, had job offer, decided to take the leap, tendered my resignation and accepted the job offer. Just 6 days into the New Year and it had been the most eventful days of my professsional life.

It was an emotional roller coaster and if I dare say, nerve-racking and stressful. First I was feeling happy on the opportunity of a job interview, nervous during the interview and meeting the big man, in a state of shock to be given the offer on the spot just after a 2 hour interview, confused and undecided about my fit into the new position, scared and needing to summon all the courage (i dunno why though) to tender my resignation, relieved upon signing the letter of offer but I now...I feel weired...f**king weird...

Had always thought that tendering my resignation would be as easy as the bits and bytes, but somehow I was in a state of loss...it was rather scary in fact. I had the letter ready the first thing in the morning but it took me till after lunch before i had enough courage to send the letter in. Guess many thoughts went through my mind...the questions on whether I was irresponsible, am I leaving at a bad time, am I letting down the team whom I have grown so fond working with. Of course there are exasperations in the office...but am I making the right decision.

Since I got the offer, these questions went through my mind again and again like a broken record on duracells repeating over and over and over...Finally I decided to follow my gut feel and take the leap. However, I still feel weird...I'm happy at the same time I'm feeling sad and uneasy...guilty at times but relieved at the same time....but for sure I would definitely be missing all the friends...Hopefully the friendship does not end here with the end of our professional relationship....