Friday, January 06, 2006

Happy New Year

A Big Leap Ahead
2006...a new year dawns. While I'm just warming up after a long break and still wondering what it holds for me this year.

In a span of 3 days, I got a call for job interview, went through a round of interview, met the CEO, had job offer, decided to take the leap, tendered my resignation and accepted the job offer. Just 6 days into the New Year and it had been the most eventful days of my professsional life.

It was an emotional roller coaster and if I dare say, nerve-racking and stressful. First I was feeling happy on the opportunity of a job interview, nervous during the interview and meeting the big man, in a state of shock to be given the offer on the spot just after a 2 hour interview, confused and undecided about my fit into the new position, scared and needing to summon all the courage (i dunno why though) to tender my resignation, relieved upon signing the letter of offer but I now...I feel weired...f**king weird...

Had always thought that tendering my resignation would be as easy as the bits and bytes, but somehow I was in a state of was rather scary in fact. I had the letter ready the first thing in the morning but it took me till after lunch before i had enough courage to send the letter in. Guess many thoughts went through my mind...the questions on whether I was irresponsible, am I leaving at a bad time, am I letting down the team whom I have grown so fond working with. Of course there are exasperations in the office...but am I making the right decision.

Since I got the offer, these questions went through my mind again and again like a broken record on duracells repeating over and over and over...Finally I decided to follow my gut feel and take the leap. However, I still feel weird...I'm happy at the same time I'm feeling sad and uneasy...guilty at times but relieved at the same time....but for sure I would definitely be missing all the friends...Hopefully the friendship does not end here with the end of our professional relationship....

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