Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Is it going to be a Happy New Year

Back from 2 weeks of ICT for the Christmas Holiday.

From the un-nerving "not looking forward to ICT" feel in the beginning to the sudden lost after makes this Christmas even loneli-er and weirder.

2 weeks were all it took for a bunch of us...all new to one another...all forgotten by the ministry between 4-15 years...to bond and build the comradeship like recruits. Maybe it was the sweltering heat in the 1st week and the wet thundery stormy 2nd week that makes us bonded stronger all pushing to go through BMT all over again in 2 weeks. Wow...what an achievement.

Frankly, though I'm glad the hell is over, but somehow I wish it didn't have to end so fast. Maybe I should have been a man in green afterall...haha...I must be out of my mind. But it did cross my mind 12 years ago...hmmm...or maybe I was just a lonely soul seeking company and during the 2 weeks I had abundance of company...haha

Christmas came and went...feeling so stupid to spend it in Orchard Road...seeing everyone spraying foam snow and party streamers at everyone that cross their path...chasing one another till they got a stern warning from the police to stop the ruckus...totally no Christmas mood and no proper countdown in Orchard...lame and alone...*haiz* I must be out of my mind to spend my midnite there...

Now it makes me wonder...will it be a Happy New Year?

1 comment:

  1. i spent my midnight of christmas.. in a carpark! hahaha.. worse right? was walkin to car to drive off when midnight happened.

    and yes, it will be a happy new year, if you want it to be! :)
