Wednesday, July 05, 2006


3 years back...EMAS was turn off...because the cost of maintanence was too high.
3 years now...EMAS was turn on...because the information provided was beneficial to the motorist.

WTF??!!...3 years ago it was not beneficial??!!

Native Language
Singlish: Ai jiak lunch mai?
Perfekt Engrish: Shall we do lunch?

Singlish: SMS me to confirm later ok?
Perfekt Engrish: Text me later to confirm our appointment ok?

Singlish: Aiyo...why u so like dat?!
Perfekt Engrish: Oh dear me...what are you doing?

OMG...I wonder if the MOE had ever done a study on the native slangs or the colloquial language used by the english native speakers? Why are we stifling our own unique language culture? Hmmm...maybe we do not have a culture to speak of...*sigh* the sad truth of our life, Singaporeans are already losing our own roots...are you expecting all the uncles and aunties to speak perfect english in our daily lives? How many youngster speaks their native dialect now? I guess the only flourishing dialect is Hokkien. So often heard are such words like CB, KB and KNNBCCB!! Hmm..WTF?!!

Distortion of Truth
Hmmm...some smart woman from MICA wrote to the papers talking about distortion truth by the celebrity blogger mrbrown. Interestingly in the letter at least 2 points pointed out which (i believe) was also a distortion of truth.

Distortion 1 : Mr Brown is hiding behind a pseudonym.
WTF??! Which person in Singapore who read doesn't know how he look like or that he is Mr. Lee KM himself? Doesn't she do her homework before writing her 'oh so sah kar' letter?! Wonder if she had ever surf the web to read the blog or was she meerely handed the article from TODAY and told to do a letter of rebuttal by her boss??!!

Distortion 2 :Electricity tarrifs and taxi fare revision is due to high oil price
WTF??! Singapore has been using natural gas for a large part of our electricity generation. Remembering the last major blackout islandwide, was it not due to some gas valve defect? So how had oil price actually greatly affect our cost of electricity generation? As for taxi fare, if high oil price cause the cost of operation for taxi to increase, how come the profit made by the "public" transport operator remain high and never a large dip in profit margin? So is the price revision exercise to "help" keep the profit margin high for the shareholders like those MIWs? WTF??!!

Hmmm...will I be implicated for merely doing my not so daily ramblings of the Singaporean's everyday life? WTF?!!

(Afternote: Pardon the use of my language in this post...just trying to destress after a hard day's work....Wah That's Fun!!!)

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