Thursday, April 06, 2006

Random thoughts in a mixed up mind

Does anyone still remember Streats? My daily breakfast read till it's death sentence after the merger of the media. Somehow the word Streats had been forgotten like many things in History. Looking closely at Today today...the word Streats is gone forever...

Like Chained Elephants
Yeah...was reading Today during my breakfast in solitude @ Tanjong Pagar Market. "Working Like Chained Elephants" was it's title. Yeah...the elephants are back in the press...just that they are not white and disappearing this time round. Duh!! (okay okay lame joke)
Are we really working like Chained Elephants? Repeating our work tasks day after day chained to our desk? We have heard so much about SOHO, Teleworking since many years ago. But how many companies are actually practising it? I have yet to hear anyone I know working from home daily uless if they are the boss. But then again...they will still be popping by the office everyday to ensure no one is skiving.... I guess we are afterall not mature enough to handle such an 'advance' concept. Remember, we still require the Men In White to tell us what we can watch and cannot watch on TV or in the movies? We still require the MIW to tell us what creativity is all about and teach creativity as a subject in the schools? Hmm...humans afterall do not have faith or trust in one another. long as you are not at your desk and the boss cannot see you, you must be skiving...

Work overtime and be Promoted
One must always know how to impress your sending an email to your boss late after office hours...Oh yah...time to send out an important email to the boss....hahaha...


  1. really???!!! Streats the word is gone!! Hey that was not the deal !

    so did you send the email? more importantly, did you boss notice :P

    i giggled at your elephant joke wor.


  2. Hmm..yeah if i remember correctly, that was the deal..but some how just like the elephonts...*poof*...hahaha
