Monday, May 31, 2010

Beat the Sunrise

Completing my maiden full marathon at the Adidas SunDown Marathon 2010 had definitely been wrought with many challenges...despite having stomach flu since Thursday, I am still glad that I managed to beat the sunrise with my stomach churning and calf cramping though a little disappointed at a 6.04hr finish which was a whole 30mins off my expected time. Well, it was really a race of mental power over the physical pain and definitely an experience

First half of the race was strong despite my stomach is slightly bloated and churning, I was still about 6-7mins ahead of my expected timing at good pace and was not exerting really hard. But it really hit me towards the 21k mark when my calves started to tighten and cramped up. I know I had to slow down and try to ease the muscles...That's when the rhythm of the run was greatly affected...was trying to beat the odds that hit me all the same time between 21k to 28k ...Z-monster, the stomach, the calves...trying to keep myself focus but I guess I had to say I failed...the pain was making me weak...The long monotonous route and the lack of cheering crowd definitely did not help...The cheering support was really much lacking and many zombie-fied runners did not help boost that morale...

However, must really give thanks to all other support and cheering crew from the various running groups...they made ECP come alive at some spots to spur the runners on. Must really say a BIG THANK YOU to all the support and cheering crew...if without you guys and girls I would have given up after 21k when my calves start cramping up and the stomach just can't stop turning like a washing machine. Need to make a special mention and give thanks to the Team FatBird support crew at the National Sailing Club, "Madam Sergeant Major" Esther Tay, your "Don't walk! Run!!!" scream at the face of all the tired runners and some of the tired runners were saying "Wah! Army training ah"...really reminded me of the Strepsils advertisement...haha..., Also to Lilian, Johnny and SC Toh, thanks for the "Sng Bao" and it definitely gave me the boost all the way to Changi Coastal Road...despite me already slipping my 30km timing. Lucky for the morale booster, I was able to cover some time all the way till Changi Coastal Road...

The final stretch was sheer mental torture with me cursing and swearing along the way and the distances never seem to be shortening...every 1km seems so far away...Felt a little more relieved when I saw the turn into the Aviation Park road after 39k mark for the last this point of time I keep telling myself to keep focus, breath and the end is not far...just 2+k more...but I was was a very long 2k!! Upon reaching the 40k mark, I almost broke down in tears...I finally broke the 40k mark...however, there is still another 2k more...and this runner behind me started chanting "Finisher T, Finisher T, Finisher T" as he tried to pick up his pace...The place was dark and long and yet I cannot see the end point and it was quite was quite an emotional roller-coaster...till I finally saw the finishing line and heard the MC called out my Bib No. and Name...Frankly by then I guess I was already tearing when I cross the finishing line and glad to see familiar faces of Ck Chin, Susie and Sylvia calling out to me at the finishing line...was very grateful especially to the 2 sweet ladies who had completed their half marathons 6-7 hours before and stayed behind to cheer us on...

Definitely great memories and comradeship that I will always cherish...Now time to recover well and recuperate....Looking to become earn another feather to my hat!!

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