Sunday, May 03, 2009


“I’m in this Book! On page 73!" As justification for calling herself The Feminist Mentor and demanding respect for the elders.
[snipplets from the sideline]

“What book is she talking about that she’s on page 73 of?”
“Dunno. Maybe the Bible. She’s saying God appointed her on page 73,”



Wonders how one can self-proclaim herself as a mentor just because she is being mentioned in a "dunno what" book? And demand for respect. If you don't respect others and yet wants to be respected as an elder? see those priority seats are occupied by those youngsters who care less?

Try to learn to earn that respect first doc...
[snipplets from The Sunday Times]

Later, she told The Sunday Times she was surprised by the 'anger' and 'vehemence' she felt from the Aware members. 'It's very scary,' she said. 'What is happening to women in Singapore?'


I am really amused by her reactions and it nearly makes me fall off the bench. Has she been living in her ivory tower since the whole saga she had single-handedly orchestrated, did she think that the whole world is still on her side?

BTW, why her law firm not provide free legal counsel to her mentees causing them to incur $90000 to get a legal advice to step down base on "courtesy, custom and common sense"?

Ouch...did the rock just dropped on someone's foot?

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