Saturday, November 22, 2008

Oops...I did a Britney again

Have not been blogging for quite a while. Guess I had become to lazy to go online nowadays...maybe age had been catching up and have kind of lost the energy after work to log on. Have become more a couch potato lately too...haiz...this is bad. Had not been going to gym as in the past...well I guess staying alone makes me just wanna stay home and laze around as compared to when staying with mum and pap (erm...not the men-in-whites...but some how grassrooted...haha)

Guess it's time to re-think, re-org and re-train...wah...sounds like the gahmen talking...haha...

Resolutions 2008, time for review soon but guess the report card is as bad as the current economic situation...first of all won't be doing the 21-k this Dec...Haiz...I did a Britney again....

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