Friday, August 01, 2008

August - Tribute to Singapore I

Do not onto others what you do not want others to do onto you. Yeah so we always say. But are Singaporeans ready for the renaissance city? Oh, let's start to be a gracious city first.

It always amuses me what people do in public. Apart from the famous PDA (read: Public Display of Affection - yes those smoochy feely act that people do in public as if the whole world does not exist around them), I always wonder what went through their mind when they do what they do in public.

Just saw a woman munching on her burger sitting next to a sign board that says no food n beverages. It is really such great contradiction and a contrasting nice photo shot. Had wanted to snap this picture but oh well damn those non-camera phone at work rules.

Is it just ignorance or feigning ignorance? Or just simply defiant?

Am i amused by an ugly act or am i too law abiding that i forgot the fundamental rights of human? Oh well, maybe it is not just a Singaporean thingie but an imported habit? Don't the schools teach 好公民 anymore? Or maybe its the young monkey sees their old monkey do at home so it's okay to do it too.

Oops, did I just pointed my fingers unto others? My bad, my bad.

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