Saturday, May 17, 2008

Double Standards?!!

Everyday I ponder as I walked out of the door from the comfort of my sanctuary. Do I look like the world owe me a living? Or do I just look ultimately unfriendly? I'm vexed. I'm amused of the reaction that I get sometimes. I'm not sure.

I wonder are those "red haired" foreign talents - read ang mos - really more friendly than me or locals simply loved to suck up to them? Whenever I get out of home lately, I psyched myself to flash the best smile my facial muscle can flex after a night's rest to anyone I see but frankly more often than not, all I get were blank stares or even the "see through you" look. But amusingly, the ang mos who just shared the same lift as me walking behind, would get such a big "Good Morning!!" from the uncles sitting outside the lift lobby.

What the f**K was that?!! What did they do that I did not?!! Was their smiles more "colgatey" than mine?!!

Everyday I wonder do I not smile as "sunshinely" as them? Or maybe I should greet those uncles and aunties ever so loving-ly and loudly next time. I wonder "Did the ang mos recently gave them a treat of donuts and coffee or what?"

Recently a colleague of mine just mentioned that I always make her smile when she sees me in office and I joked "Do I have a funny face?" Her reply was that I had a cheerful personality. ( very wrong of her...maybe that's because I'm seldom in the office to begin with.) I was like "Yah..sure" Haha...then how come I don't get to see the uncles or aunties smile at me when I walk out of the lift lobby every morning?

Maybe it's time to practice those colgate moments more in the mirror or to admit that sucking up to ang mos - who are indeed more 'tua kee' than me - are the way of living in this Asian society...

Oh well...we see such double standards everywhere...starting from the time these ang mos boarded our national carrier...don't we?

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