Sunday, May 25, 2008


《让爱川流不息》﹣ 要捐钱得先缴行政费-$0.214-包括7%消费税? 不是不想捐款,但为什么赈灾还得付GST? 新电信难道就不能吸收每通$0.20的费用?行善还不忘生意利益,赞!这么多sponsors,都是用来做什么?新传媒的制做费?


Master Plan 2008

Marine Parade is no longer the east coast of is now Central. :-)

Friday, May 23, 2008

All of Us TOgether Sure CAN - Thanks.Pardon.Ciao

Moving on is my last day at work and will be taking 2 weeks hiatus from work. Well, am actually kind of glad to finally got out of the wretched company. But just 2 weeks ago...when Sichuan earthquake took away many lives and families, the company had an earthquake too...the ED, MD and the BD Director are all leaving by July this year...woah...lucky I made my move 2 months earlier huh? Hmmm but the MD had the same last day as me, which means he tendered earlier...serving his 6 months believe he actually "try" to ask me if I would reconsider on a counter-offer or a job switch.

Oh well, wasn't really shocked about the news, rumours have it that the MD and the BD Director is leaving but was surprise that the ED is also ousted from her own company she started nearly 2 politics to the fullest...better than mediacorp drama!! Somehow these are all's only time.

Frankly I wouldn't really miss the people I'm working with...those foreign "talents" whom I've "grown" so fondly of and everyday I always ponder what are their talents? Skiving? Smoking out? Acting busy? Oh...the ever so difficult task of shaking their heads and not blinking a bit while they say things are tested and done!

Those I would miss are my customer and the users whom I've worked so closely with for the last 14 months. They, who see the worth in me and my contributions to the projects. They, who are ever so patient and understanding despite the problems due to the talents' incompetencies...and most importantly they, who encourage me to move on...haha...Well, I really wish them all the best. Thank you all!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Double Standards?!!

Everyday I ponder as I walked out of the door from the comfort of my sanctuary. Do I look like the world owe me a living? Or do I just look ultimately unfriendly? I'm vexed. I'm amused of the reaction that I get sometimes. I'm not sure.

I wonder are those "red haired" foreign talents - read ang mos - really more friendly than me or locals simply loved to suck up to them? Whenever I get out of home lately, I psyched myself to flash the best smile my facial muscle can flex after a night's rest to anyone I see but frankly more often than not, all I get were blank stares or even the "see through you" look. But amusingly, the ang mos who just shared the same lift as me walking behind, would get such a big "Good Morning!!" from the uncles sitting outside the lift lobby.

What the f**K was that?!! What did they do that I did not?!! Was their smiles more "colgatey" than mine?!!

Everyday I wonder do I not smile as "sunshinely" as them? Or maybe I should greet those uncles and aunties ever so loving-ly and loudly next time. I wonder "Did the ang mos recently gave them a treat of donuts and coffee or what?"

Recently a colleague of mine just mentioned that I always make her smile when she sees me in office and I joked "Do I have a funny face?" Her reply was that I had a cheerful personality. ( very wrong of her...maybe that's because I'm seldom in the office to begin with.) I was like "Yah..sure" Haha...then how come I don't get to see the uncles or aunties smile at me when I walk out of the lift lobby every morning?

Maybe it's time to practice those colgate moments more in the mirror or to admit that sucking up to ang mos - who are indeed more 'tua kee' than me - are the way of living in this Asian society...

Oh well...we see such double standards everywhere...starting from the time these ang mos boarded our national carrier...don't we?

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Britain's Got Talents...Do We?

Have heard about Paul Potts for a here's the clip which made my eyes wet everytime I watch it.

Though we do have all sorts of talent shows locally with the most recent one where 16 male and female contestants shows off their...erm..."talents" in acting cool, cute , slutty and whatever. But well to each his own...I'll reach for the remote everytime...

I wonder do we have gems like Paul Potts locally yet to be discovered and be polished to be a shining star...Just like what Simon Cowell sums up at the end of the clip..."...where somebody who isn't a professional and has a talent and isn't aware of it, has a normal job and you see something else..."