Monday, November 19, 2007

Random Rumblings...

Up Up

Bus Fare Up
Petrol Up
Flour Up
Petrol Up (Haiz...5 cts)
Bus Fare Up (Erm...wasn't it just adjusted in July?)
Petrol Up (Haiz...closing US$98...)
Paper Up

CPI Up Up Up


Petroleum Company's Profits Up
Public Transport Company's Profits Up
Ministerial Pay Up (Oh....that was in April)

How come my pay still not up?!

Screaming Vigilantes
Singaporeans had gone on the printed media and blog site of a "celebrity" blogger as the heroes to the damsels' rescue from an ang mo bullying the weaker sex. Wonder if one have seen the video on YouTube? Sorry for not linking here as I just can't stand the screaming and shouting of the vigilantes and the "victim(s)". See it to see who are the victims and who are the aggressors. I'm not saying that Singaporeans should not stand up to help other Singaporeans but then I do not know the actual facts of the events. So I shan't comment more.

If the one sided story published holds true, no doubt that the ang mo was wrong to hit on the girls...But the crux of the issue was that the self proclaimed "celebrity" blogger's bag did bumped into the lady, and did she remember to say sorry in the first place?

Come on, we get bumped by clueless people who had forgotten that their big bulky bag is part of their body once they donned it on almost everyday on MRT, buses and shopping centres. Most of the time we do not even get a word of sorry but instead some rude stares as if we are in the wrong to bump into their bag?!! The incident do not need to turn ugly if the "star" blogger in all her "celebrit-i-ness" could have minded her manners and said sorry in the beginning.

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