Thursday, August 09, 2007

Sometimes a Bastard We Must Be

We have a vision for tomorrow
Just believe, just believe
We have a goal for Singapore
We can achieve, we can achieve
While exiting from ECP, how many times do I feel like a stupid fool queuing up behind the car on the right most lane to filter out into the connecting lane just to be nudged by some rude drivers on the left lane nonchalantly cutting into my lane as if it was their right to cut into the queue I'm in?

While boarding the bus, how many times do I feel like a stupid fool, patiently queuing up behind the next boarding passenger just to be nudged by some rude passenger (mostly
aunties) cutting into my queue as if I have to respect the old and give way to them?

While boarding the MRT, how many times do I feel like a stupid fool, patiently queuing up the at the side of the door just to be nudged by some rude passenger who nonchalantly stand right smack in the centre of the opening door forcing their way into the train or best still cutting in front of you because he/she is "courteously" letting the passenger alight from the train? Same goes to alighting the train, where someone stares right back at you as if why am I blocking their way boarding the train?!

I've already lost counts. So many times...I feel like an idiot and cursing at myself for queuing up while others just get their way. Well, quite true isn't it? I guess we have to be a bastard in life sometimes. Like the saying goes, if you can't beat them join them.

You and me, we'll do our part
Stand together, heart to heart
We're going to show the world what Singapore can be
We can achieve, we can achieve

Yeah...I think we can sure to achieve if we just do our part to be an ungracious society. Sometimes a Bastard we must be to get be happy.

Well, Happy Birthday Singapore!!

1 comment:

  1. Not to forget those silly people who die die must stand side by side their fren (cos kindergarten teacher say must walk in pairs?) and block the escalator instead of automatically keeping to the left? In Hong Kong, old and young alike will automatically keep to one side so that those in a hurry can move ahead......
    Only in Singapore you see idiots who die die like to stand on the right or dunno how to move aside and be considerate for others....
