Sunday, April 23, 2006

Growing up under the umbrella

When will we ever be allowed to grow up?

Since young, we are so used to be living in a safety shelter, under the umbrella of what they call "care and concern". They always tell you: "It's all for your own good"

Parents tend to do it, even the MIW do it.

Are things in life always in definite Black and White but never exist in shades of Gray?

In school, whenever someone question things out of its known scope, this person will be term as a renegade and destruction of order. In the real world, whenever someone think out of the box and speaks their mind against the ideology, this person will be threat to peace and harmony.

When will it be time for us to have the freedom and trust to know what is right and wrong and have the capacity to differentiate between the truth and bullshit?

Maybe in time...people never really grow Never never land....

Friday, April 14, 2006

A Note and Some Thoughts

Six Weeks
Neither long
Nor is it short
Over before we know
Different pursuits here after
A Thank You note
A heart warmed
A friendship formed

"Stress is self implemented" ... I'll learn to endure

Two Words
Two words so common
Two words so taken for granted
Two words to warm and touch a heart
Two words are all it takes
Thank You!!

Sunday, April 09, 2006

The Value of History

"There is a matter of balancing historical values against the income that the site can earn if it were developed for other used"
-- Preservation of Monument Board

"No one knows whose responsibility this fort is. No one is going to come forward and be a hero"
-- President National Heritage Soceity

Lost was Bugis Street...what we have is Bugis Village
Lost was Satay Club...what we have is Satay Club @ Boon Tat
Lost was Lau Pat Sat...what we have is the New Lau Pat Sat
Lost was National Library...what we have is the National Library @ Bras Basah


Looks like another piece of history really going into history...Maybe Fort Tanjong Katong is not lost but merely buried in the aim to keep this history in tact from the effects of the next generations still have a piece of history to hold on to discover...Or perhaps economical value currently outweighed our heritage...our history...our identity...

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Random thoughts in a mixed up mind

Does anyone still remember Streats? My daily breakfast read till it's death sentence after the merger of the media. Somehow the word Streats had been forgotten like many things in History. Looking closely at Today today...the word Streats is gone forever...

Like Chained Elephants
Yeah...was reading Today during my breakfast in solitude @ Tanjong Pagar Market. "Working Like Chained Elephants" was it's title. Yeah...the elephants are back in the press...just that they are not white and disappearing this time round. Duh!! (okay okay lame joke)
Are we really working like Chained Elephants? Repeating our work tasks day after day chained to our desk? We have heard so much about SOHO, Teleworking since many years ago. But how many companies are actually practising it? I have yet to hear anyone I know working from home daily uless if they are the boss. But then again...they will still be popping by the office everyday to ensure no one is skiving.... I guess we are afterall not mature enough to handle such an 'advance' concept. Remember, we still require the Men In White to tell us what we can watch and cannot watch on TV or in the movies? We still require the MIW to tell us what creativity is all about and teach creativity as a subject in the schools? Hmm...humans afterall do not have faith or trust in one another. long as you are not at your desk and the boss cannot see you, you must be skiving...

Work overtime and be Promoted
One must always know how to impress your sending an email to your boss late after office hours...Oh yah...time to send out an important email to the boss....hahaha...