Saturday, November 05, 2005

Yes I did it again....

Yes...I did it again...2 months since my last entry...*sigh*

Well...the long weekend is finally ending and it will be back to reality and back into the pressure cooker waiting to explode anytime...Feels like a schoolboy...sad that the the school holiday is over soon and realising i still have lots of holiday homework undone...*aaarggh*

A Minute of Silence
This may come a little late but just feeling sad and loss that a dear friend and a dear colleague passed away of brian cancer last week.

To CM,

It was my great honour to have known you for the last 5 years I'm in the company. Though we are in different divisons, it was fate that brought us to get to know each other. I still remember in 2001 when I just stumbled into your cube to ask you about CPA and the next day you provided me a whole 5 pages of calculations and algorithm u theorised the night before. Since then, you had been a mentor, a councellor, a great friend and lastly a good elder brother to me. You had treated me like a younger brother and a confidante. Telling me about your family and your ambitions, things that go beyond what you would tell your colleague.

I'll never forget your chirpy self when I last visited you in NUH, telling me not to worry and not wanting to worry your wife. But I know she was worried then. I also remembered seeing you back in the office and was happy that you are getting better...but when I last received you SMS when I was down at site, I did not know that it will be the last time we will see each other. I felt that I had not been a good friend to you. Not being there on the 2 occasions that you were down and out.

I wish I could have done more to help you...I did not even fulfil my last promise to buy you lunch. I wish I could do something more now to help your wife and your daughther...But for now I hope you are in a better place and all the pain had stopped. CM, my friend and my good and rest well...

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