Saturday, August 06, 2005

A Nation in Celebration

A hectic 2 days of meetings and brainstorming in the office with the team left my thoughts empty...or I'm plain lazy to write...

National Day is round the corner again and this year Singapore is celebrating it's 40th year of Independence. Looks like the celebration is getting grander this year and bigger with the traffic coming to stand still every Saturday since like 2 months ago. Maybe I should write something about the day the nation celebrates too :-)

Just a few days back while I was on the phone with one of my colleagues and we suddenly dwelled on the topic of National Day and boy, she was so thrilled that she had gotten tickets to view the Parade live @ Padang with her hubby this 9th Aug. As the conversation progresses over National Day, we realised that both of us had participated in the National Day Parade @ the Padang in 1990. Wow!!! 15 years ago (yeah yeah...I'm old alright?) I was part of the central band (not the SAF parade band and yes I play a musical instrument) and she was part of the central choir just about 5 rows behind me. We were so close (as in proximity) but yet we did not know each other...but then again I was sitting in the 2nd row of the band next to some RGS girls *grin* and she was standing behind those purcussionists (damn those buayas) haha...Well, life is so funny that we got to know each other only 15 years later and now she is a mother of 1 and expecting her 2nd *sigh* haha

Ok 'nuff said and I'm going back to my boring cable programmes and waste my weekend away...

To Singapore, Happy 40th Birthday!! *crinched*

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