Thursday, August 18, 2005

Procrastination - A thief of Time

Ooops...I did it again...I have procrastinated. And as expected I went into procrastination mode again.

It's been almost 2 whole weeks since my last blog entry...with final NDP rehearsals and many Fireworks fired away, Singapore celebrates another year of independence (and another year richer with ERP on CTE), a newly "elected" president (backed by popular demands from the Gahmen) and yummy piping hot Dim Sum Dollies are soon ending their extended shows... many things had happened in the last 2 weeks of August. Getting older every minute and not a minute wiser nor a minute richer...*sigh*

Tuesday, August 16, 2005


才會慢慢停止 慢慢消失 不再痛

Saturday, August 06, 2005

A Nation in Celebration

A hectic 2 days of meetings and brainstorming in the office with the team left my thoughts empty...or I'm plain lazy to write...

National Day is round the corner again and this year Singapore is celebrating it's 40th year of Independence. Looks like the celebration is getting grander this year and bigger with the traffic coming to stand still every Saturday since like 2 months ago. Maybe I should write something about the day the nation celebrates too :-)

Just a few days back while I was on the phone with one of my colleagues and we suddenly dwelled on the topic of National Day and boy, she was so thrilled that she had gotten tickets to view the Parade live @ Padang with her hubby this 9th Aug. As the conversation progresses over National Day, we realised that both of us had participated in the National Day Parade @ the Padang in 1990. Wow!!! 15 years ago (yeah yeah...I'm old alright?) I was part of the central band (not the SAF parade band and yes I play a musical instrument) and she was part of the central choir just about 5 rows behind me. We were so close (as in proximity) but yet we did not know each other...but then again I was sitting in the 2nd row of the band next to some RGS girls *grin* and she was standing behind those purcussionists (damn those buayas) haha...Well, life is so funny that we got to know each other only 15 years later and now she is a mother of 1 and expecting her 2nd *sigh* haha

Ok 'nuff said and I'm going back to my boring cable programmes and waste my weekend away...

To Singapore, Happy 40th Birthday!! *crinched*

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Of ERP on CTE and DotA

We have read that traffic between 6-8pm on CTE had smoothen out since the implementation of the evening ERP on CTE...but allow me to think aloud...what about the traffic condition before 6pm and after 8pm?

"It's all about route planning" someone said. we are trapped in traffic jam in the "alternative" routes. Being the usual skeptic, I wonder how long this will last before motorists ran out of patience and got tired of trapping in traffic in their "alternative" routes home. Maybe the S$1 is not even enough to cover the petrol cost spent to seek alternative route home.

"So now you are encourage to leave office earlier to spend time with your family" we heard. Another try to be pro-family? Hmm...wonder how many of us now leave home early and go home later just to avoid paying to cross the gantry. Maybe I'm wrong.

"Your can stagger your timing at work" we are told. Have anyone been encouraged to stagger their working hours? Anyone like to share their experience?

"-tr -dm" had been the latest addiction just like the media is on local blog bashing. After a hard day at work, we settled ourselves down at our respective stations and trashed it out against one another in another death match. Damn...kenna trashed in DotA again. Man, everyone is getting better by the day at bashing one another up. Wonder if it's a true reflection of our frustration with one another. Die! Die! Die! Hmm...some form of therapy to keep ourselves sane...maybe...

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Too old to Blog??! 32 going on to 33 soon in less than 6 months...wonder if I'm too old to start blogging. After much deliberations, finally decided to join the latest fad, ride the waves and have my own blog.

Some had said to have made great friends here. Some had become famous, went on to become major cyber celebrities and have legion of fans and followers. Some said that blogging is therapeutic and a space to allow one to vent their frustrations in everyday lives...Hmm...this sounds right for me...I needed some therapy.....

Who cares what the New Paper wrote about bloggers lately...I think most of the bloggers' blog I've read, are of everyday people, merely sharing their views, emotions and wanting to speak their mind whether focused or not. Aren't jumping on the bandwagon to feature bloggers and their blogs (the "IN" thing now since the NKF drama), a good try to boost their sale figures?

So here I am, posting my first blog to share my thoughts.