Monday, May 16, 2011


Where's that new world
Now the fighting's done?
Nothing changes, nothing ever will
Every year another brat, another mouth to fill.
Same old story, what's the use of tears?
What's the use of praying if there's nobody who hears?
Turning, turning, turning, turning, turning
Through the years.
Turning, turning, turning through the years
Minutes into hours and the hours into years.
Nothing changes, nothing ever can
Round and round the roundabout and back where you began!
Round and round and back where you began!

- Les Miserables

Random Thoughts...

So do I really have a voice? Yes...but they are just noise....

Change? All I have, are coins in my pocket...while they have more zeros in their pocket than all my savings add up....

Transform? But "Transformers, more than meets the eye" do I really want to trust what I see?  Or are they Decepticons in disguise...

"We hear you"....the most patronizing words one could say....if you really hear me, show me that you have really heard...

Am I  simply ignorant or being apathetic? Seriously I don't know and I don't care...maybe it really is disappointment....