Thursday, December 31, 2009

Towards a new Decade - A Reflection....

Finally the last few hours to the end of 2009 cometh...time pass so fast in 2009 and soon we will be in the new decade of the 21st century. Wow...

As usual there had been many ups and downs as in the years passed...but am grateful to the Special someone who had been there supporting me all this while and cheering me on in whatever I do...taking all my tantrums and know who you are lah...I know I can be such a child and rascal sometimes and really thank you for your patience and care and love and always being there for me and really hope that the next decade would see us stronger and this bond will not break *hugz*

Looking back at 2009....working life apart (which is better left unsaid...hahaha), I really did not expect myself to be able to accomplish so much more in running. Besides S support with all the encouragement in your dreams and dress me up with all the gears, I am grateful to a group of new found running enthusiast too. FatBirds...really glad to be able to flock with you all...guys and all are such an inspiration and motivation to push me further...Seeing that there is really no age or medical barrier to keep fit and be healthy...

Lastly, I am very happy that I am finally able to fulfill my 2007 resolution (yes 2 years late...thanks to procrastination and lack of confidence...haha...) to do my first 21k Half Marathon. 2009 had really see me stronger and running most races I have ever done for the last 15 years since National Service (wow...yeah I am so old liow...hahha...but still doing reservist...haiz)

Races in 2009
Yellow Ribbon Prison Run (10k - my 1st sub 1-hour race) - 59mins 27sec
Nike Human Race (10k) - 1hr 07mins
NB Real Run(15k) - 1hr 51mins
StanChart Singapore Marathon (21k) - 2hr 24mins

Now time to reflect and set new goals...Happy New Year lah!!!

Races planned for 2010
11 Apr - 2XU Compress Run (Sentosa)
29 May - Adidas Sundown Marathon
Aug - Army Bay Run
10 Oct - Newton 30k Challenge
Dec - StanChart Singapore Marathon