Friday, August 25, 2006

Local Delights Galore

Local Delights with TurKwa (Pig Liver)
  • Bak Chor Mee - OK
  • Mix Pork Congee - OK
  • Satay Bee Hoon - OK

Local Delights with Hum (Cockles)
  • Satay Bee Hoon - OK
  • Nonya Laksa - OK
  • Mee Siam - Huh???
Erm...Mee Siam mai hum Mr. PM?? Erm...which hawker stall in Singapore serves you Mee Siam with hum? Definitely a must visit for hum lovers! I see a creative fusion of our local delight coming to a stall near us soon...yummy...

And thank you for the podcast of the NDR speech by the MSM if not I would have definite missed this powerful punchline by reading the edited transcripts (Thanks to the wonders of technology) I nearly fell off my chair...Ouch...


Monday, August 21, 2006

Of Humour, Migrants and Being Singaporeans

I read with amusement the National Day Rally on both the Main Stream Media as well as on the New Media. Yes, I read them but did not catch the 'Live' Telecast on our TV No.1 station as a loyal Singaporean. (Hmm...come to think about it when you are the only one TV station minus the other only cable provider...I wonder will MCS ever be known as Singapore's No.2 TV station? Hmmm...)

No goodies this year. Guess it was given out before May. Hmm...

Interestingly, this year's rally tries to be both hip and happening...with lots of buzzwords like 3Ms, blogs, podcast and vodcast, MSN, MySpace, ClubSnap, hip and happening...Hmm...Hip-factor up for MIW. Haha...

However, daily musings or humourous depiction on 'A day in the life of a Singaporean' is still a No-No. Hmm...wonder when had a humour column in a Main Stream Printed Media suppose to be having a hidden agenda to mislead, distort truth and manipulate the minds of the ignorant readers...Wow...power sia...Mr Brown. One should not be Talking Cock too. Another sweeping statement (a.k.a. insult) coming from the 'it's all for you own good' leaders in white? Hmm...hidden message: "Singaporeans are all too naive, stupid and ignorant, we, the MIWs, must protect them before they hurt themselves from the trecherous world of the New Media." *sigh* When are we allowed to grow up? Self Censorship *poof*

Well, more foreign talents or now to be known as immigrants are encourage to come to Singapore. I have no qualms about that for we require them to boost our workforce in return would boost our economy and thus my stocks...hahaha. But the question remains...will they be enjoying the expat treatment doing the same job as any home-grown Singaporean? Will they be better off then those Singaporeans who stays in Hougang and Potong Pasir? *sigh* Will we be seen as one only when the shades of white cover every constituencies?

One People, One Nation, One Singapore. Remember?

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Singapore Dreaming

Here's doing a part to mark the 41st Birthday of our Nation. :)

A Singaporean Dream
I am the citizen of Singapore,
Pledge myself to strike on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday & Sunday.
Regardless of TOTO, 4D or Big Sweep.
To buy hope and earn extra,
Based on Quickpicks, System 7 to 12 and Big Sweep Tickets with 4D Bonuses.
So as to achieve Car, Cash & Condo as part of my aspirations
-- adapted from a circulated SMS

Happy National Day, Singapore!!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Happy Anniversary!!

Wow...a year had passed and though I'm trying very hard (ok ok maybe not that hard) to at least create an entry every month. I'm surprise how much I have written and also how much I have not written.

Well, here's giving myself a pat on my back after a not so good week, and telling myself - "Well done and Happy Anniversary!!" :)

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Damn those f**king sicko vandals!!!

Damn pissed off first thing in the morning and had my whole day spoilt by some bloody sicko. Someone scratched my car leaving 2 f**king long wavy scratches (~ 1.5m long) on the passenger side of my car from the boot to the bonnet...f**king idiots!! Imagine even in your very own carpark!!

What had I done?!! Who have I stepped on?!! Why me?!!

I really got no answers but this is definitely not the first case of vandalism in the carpark. Some sicko had punctured (letting out the air of the car's tyres slowly by stuffing small pebbles into the air-valve) my neighbour and my dad's car on 2 different occasions. Now this...*sigh* Looks like he/she simply like to do a car at a time.

This estate (or the world) is definitely not safe from sick idiots like these at all. Arrggghh!!!