Monday, February 06, 2006

A New Beginning....

Finally the Lunar New Year holidays come to an end and everything is back to clockwork.

Today also mark the first day of work at the new office. Hmm...feeling a little loss and intimidated. Kinda miss the old colleagues...kind of lonely with most of the new colleagues much older than me. When being introduced to them..they must all be wondering what is this young boy doing here...Haha..feel like I'm in an old folks home! Just kidding ;-) Guess I'm now in a different playing field in my working life. Now I'm suppose to be playing with the big boys...hahaha

Saturday, February 04, 2006


I guess it is really true that one man's meat may be another's poison. What is important to you may not be important or even deem trivial to another...I guess to each his own. Maybe it's always me and my failure to communicate...

Well, today is 正月初七-人日. It's also 立春. Spring actually starts today.The NEW year finally arises...