Wednesday, April 22, 2015


最近腦子裡常出現 「我快樂嗎?」的質疑...到底快樂是什麼? 怎樣才能快樂? 

早上在臉書看到了這一段話 「做人真的好累 所以在會叫做人類」


Saturday, April 18, 2015

愛 不就是這樣嗎?







老太太:"因為太陽一出來,星星就看不見 了!"

愛 不就是這樣嗎?

Saturday, April 04, 2015

Where do we go from here....

It's been almost 4 years since the last entry...which interestingly was the day before the last election.

Many things have happened over the last few years since May 2011...including the 'almighty' MIW losing a GRC then losing another SMC to the a couple of deaths in the family, immediate and distant including friends and acquaintances...and most recently the lost of a great but controversial leader. A lot had changed no doubt... but a lot had also remained stagnant.

How had The Voyage of Pitchoun been? Aged and mature like the old wine in the barrels? Hahah...But the mind continues to be perplexed by this complex world...though still trying to seek simplicity in life. Alas....that had been the journey of Pitchoun for the last 4 years...

So...what's next? What shall 'Le Voyage du Pitchoun' to become? Should the journey continue?

Monday, May 16, 2011


Where's that new world
Now the fighting's done?
Nothing changes, nothing ever will
Every year another brat, another mouth to fill.
Same old story, what's the use of tears?
What's the use of praying if there's nobody who hears?
Turning, turning, turning, turning, turning
Through the years.
Turning, turning, turning through the years
Minutes into hours and the hours into years.
Nothing changes, nothing ever can
Round and round the roundabout and back where you began!
Round and round and back where you began!

- Les Miserables

Random Thoughts...

So do I really have a voice? Yes...but they are just noise....

Change? All I have, are coins in my pocket...while they have more zeros in their pocket than all my savings add up....

Transform? But "Transformers, more than meets the eye" do I really want to trust what I see?  Or are they Decepticons in disguise...

"We hear you"....the most patronizing words one could say....if you really hear me, show me that you have really heard...

Am I  simply ignorant or being apathetic? Seriously I don't know and I don't care...maybe it really is disappointment....

Friday, March 11, 2011


我们都太冲动  还是我们都太执著
既然我们都深爱着  又何苦要让对方伤得那么重
是要哭过痛过 才懂得更珍惜彼此?

Thursday, March 10, 2011


又是凌晨一点钟,还是无法入睡,不是不想睡,而只是不愿一再一再的被惊醒。好怕,好怕这一次就此划下句点。深怕这次睡着了, 醒来时就永远再也看不到你的身影。心里真的好恨,恨自己的无聊,恨自己的好玩,不懂得自制,最后却深深地伤了你。I'm sorry...我真的希望还能用我的手紧紧地把你的手牵牢,这次我一定会把它牵好。因为只有你在我身边才会是幸福。

Tuesday, March 08, 2011


To err is human...that's stupidity...
To lose one's integrity...that's stupidity...
To hurt the one you love...that's ultimate stupidity...